Cookies Policy använder cookies som lagras på din dator, för att verifiera vem du är.
Detta är cookies för inloggade användare samt kommentatorer.


Användare är personer som har ett registrerat konto på

Vid inloggning använder, wordpress_[hash] cookie för att lagra era autentiseringsuppgifter.
Användingsområde är i Adminkonsol endast, /wp-admin/

Efter inloggning, skapas wordpress_logged_in_[hash] cookie, som indikerar att du är inloggad,
samt vem du är, för deta mesta. skapar även ett par wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies.
The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table.
This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.

The actual cookies contain hashed data, so you don’t have to worry about someone gleaning your username and password by reading the cookie data. A hash is the result of a specific mathematical formula applied to some input data (in this case your user name and password, respectively). It’s quite hard to reverse a hash (bordering on practical infeasibility with today’s computers). This means it is very difficult to take a hash and ”unhash” it to find the original input data. uses the two cookies to bypass the password entry portion of wp-login.php. If recognizes that you have valid, non-expired cookies, you go directly to the WordPress Administration interface. If you don’t have the cookies, or they’re expired, or in some other way invalid (like you edited them manually for some reason), will require you to log in again, in order to obtain new cookies.


When visitors comment on, they too get cookies stored on their computer. This is purely a convenience, so that the visitor won’t need to re-type all their information again when they want to leave another comment.

Three cookies are set for commenters:

  • comment_author
  • comment_author_email
  • comment_author_url

The commenter cookies are set to expire a little under one year from the time they’re set.


För att radera cookie satt av Cookie Law Info i sig själv: Klicka här för att radera

Note that this does NOT delete all cookies, it just deletes the viewed_cookie_policy cookie that Cookie Law Info uses to remember if a visitor has closed the header or not.